The Mystery Project: Part 2

I dropped off the last 4 out of 7 pins that I made for my Mystery Project! You can see the first round of drops that I did here. The photos this time around didn’t turn out as well…the public spots I dropped them at were busy, so I had to be quick with the photos!

I have to stop to say something about Pac-Man here. I dropped him off at Onion Creek, one of my favorite hangouts. I specifically chose Onion Creek because they’ve got a table there that’s actually a working Pac-Man console. It would’ve been a PERFECT spot for this, maybe to dangle it from a joystick, or strategically leave it on a clever spot on the screen. So I hop to Onion Creek, walk in…and two dudes are sitting at the table. WTF, I almost never see anyone sitting at the Pac-Man table?! FAIL. It would’ve been kind of awkward for me to interrupt their lunches to drop a lil’ Pac-Man AND photograph it (“uh…I’m just trying to eat my lunch here, what’s with the camera?”), so I just had to leave him behind with a bunch of flyers, haha.

And that’s all, folks! I was tempted to make an owl to leave somewhere on the Rice University campus, but alas, I only have so much time to work with. If you want to make your own pins, here are the patterns that I used:

Cupcake pattern:
Heart pattern:
Mario Star pattern
Goldfish pattern:

I hope everyone who found my lil’ pins enjoyed finding them as much as I enjoyed making them and leaving them around town! 🙂